Q: Will TimeClock Fusion work with my existing equipment?
A: The time clock is extremely versatile and already works with the majority of data entry hardware available. However, if your hardware is proprietary, custom programming may be necessary.

Q: Does TimeClock Fusion integrate with popular accounting software?
A: Yes, unless it is a proprietary format. We can work with custom integrations on a case by case basis.

Q: Can TimeClock Fusion be used to track equipment or other resource usage?
A: Yes. TimeClock Fusion has been specifically designed to track a variety of information, including resource and equipment tracking.

Q: How can TimeClock Fusion discourage "Buddy-Punching" or time fraud?
A: Passwords can be required, and when necessary basic cameras can be purchased to take snapshots during each punch.

Q: How can I request additional features?
A: TimeClock Fusion has been designed around the requests and needs of the many users. We encourage everyone to submit what they would like to see changed in the application. Some features are implemented right away while extensive features take time to incorporate. It is easy to submit a suggestion using the ticketing system.

Q: How often do you upgrade?
A: The program is worked on consistently and we try to release full program update at least every 6 months. You can view our current upgrade progress here.

Q: How do you keep my information private and safe?
A: All TimeClock Fusion data is transferred using 256bit encryption. The server is housed in a secured facility administrated by a team of highly skilled professionals. It is backed up regularly and we have incorporated triple redundancy to make sure your data is retrievable. (We encourage all users to backup their data as well.)

Q: We have different operating systems running many different browsers. Some people don't even use a computer but only carry smart phones. Will we all be able to use your clock?
A: Yes. If you can connect to the Internet, you can connect to TimeClock Fusion.

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