| No Contract |  |
| No Download or Installation Required |  |
| Compatible with Windows, Mac & Linux |  |
| Any web-enable device can be a check in/out terminal (Computers, laptops, smart phones, PDAs, Ipads, etc) |  |
| Number of simultaneous stations | Unlimited |
| Number of total in/out punches per day | Unlimited |
| Number of possible groups and subgroups (departments) | Unlimited |
| Different levels of access rights for users, managers, and administrators |  |
| Review time sheets to any time period |  |
| Comprehensive time editing audit trail |  |
| Instantaneous payroll calculations accommodates weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, semi-monthly, and other custom pay periods |  |
| Set your own view/print report format by day/hour/minute and by 12-hour, 24-hour, or decimal |  |
| Reports viewed, printed, or exported to an Excel file |  |
| Automatic overtime calculations |  |
| Fix mistakes or improper punches while in the reports |  |
| Free and automatic updates |  |
| 256 Bit SSL Encryption |  |
| Smart Phone Access |  |
| Project tracking (where a job was, what tasks/projects they were on, and what equipment or resources they used) |  |
| Camera capturing |  |
| Technical support | Unlimited |
| Ad Free |  |
| Restrict punching to specific office locations |  |
| Custom application integration (the ability to link with other programs) |  |
| Change punch types and coloring |  |
| Change the general appearance (background, logo, etc) |  |